WISDOM Good Works

Sharing Scientific Expertise to Restore Ecological Balance Around the World

Image courtesy of the Galapagos National Park Service

The Problem

Animal Overpopulation

Ecological imbalance due to animal overpopulation can have phenomenally negative impacts: destroyed crops, infrastructure damage; and transmission of disease. Invasive species can prey upon endemic animals, threatening them to the point of extinction.

Faced with this, communities have often turned to culling and poison, but this comes with its own unintended consequences, including the danger of poisoning people or domestic animals being poisoned, and contamination of land and water.

Fertility Control is a Better Way

For almost 30 years, Drs. Loretta Mayer and Cheryl Dyer have worked to restore ecological balance through fertility-control technology that is both organic and effective. By using a thoroughly field-tested, all-natural and non-toxic food, they have rendered both male and female mice and rats infertile without poisons that could harm the environment.

Mentors and educators at heart, Drs. Mayer and Dyer formed Women in Science Doing Outreach & Mentoring (WISDOM) a consulting organization of successful women scientists reaching out to share their experience with other women through educational seminars, publications, and research data.

Now they’re bringing their know-how and technology to large-scale projects through a new nonprofit, WISDOM Good Works. From the Galapagos Islands to grain production in the southwest United States, their goal is to have a profound impact on saving endangered species, ensuring more food security, and humanely controlling animal overpopulation around the world.

You Can Help

WISDOM Good Works needs funding to bring this solution to communities and make an impact. Your generous contribution helps finance production of the fertility-control technology and food delivery systems; as well as the needed scientists and researchers to make sure it is implemented for greatest impact.

Can we count on you to help?

Call for volunteers