The Galapagos Project

Working Together to Ensure the Animals and People of the Galapagos Not Only Survive, But Thrive

A Unique Mission for an Exceptional Area of the World

The Galapagos Islands

The chain of nineteen islands that make up the Galapagos archipelago have been called “a priceless living laboratory,” a melting pot of exceedingly rare animals that inspired Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution.

What many people don’t know is that in addition to the uninhabited islands, the Galapagos also has a substantial human population. Four of the islands are inhabited by 40,000 people, most of whom work as farmers, fishermen, and in the local wildlife tourism sector.

Both the animals and humans of this idyllic UNESCO World Heritage Site, however, are in jeopardy because of an overpopulation of rats on the islands. The rodent overpopulation on the Galapagos is threatening the very survival of endemic species. Meanwhile, rats are also imperiling the livelihood and food sources of the local population (galapagueños are dependent on crops grown on the islands to supplement the foodstuffs brought by container ship once a month).

Moving from Poison to Organic, Plant-Based Fertility Control

Before now, farmers and the Ecuadorian government’s only resource to combat rodent overpopulation was using poison. These lethal methods trade one problem for several others – endless rodent corpses to be removed; the possible inadvertent impact on already endangered species; the danger of children or domestic animals being poisoned; and contamination of land and water.

Wisdom Good Work’s Galapagos Project aims to restore ecological balance to this sensitive area using organic, plant-based fertility control.

We are now in a pilot program to provide local farmers with this technology and eliminate the need for chemicals that are harmful to these amazing islands.

Ways You Can Help

Our groundbreaking project needs volunteers in the greater Flagstaff, Arizona area, where we are based, to prepare supplies for use on the Galapagos Islands.

Specific jobs include the following:

  • Packaging of product for island teams
  • Capturing data
  • Translation assistance
  • Coordinating volunteers

Interested in this once-in-a-lifetime volunteer opportunity? Live in the greater Flagstaff, Arizona area? Then please sign up here so we can keep you informed about The Galapagos Project and alert you when volunteer opportunities arise.

Help the endemic wildlife – and the people – of the Galapagos Islands. Your generosity can fuel a project that will bring balance to the delicate ecosystem of the Galapagos Islands without resorting to poisons or culling. Instead The Galapagos Project will employ a tested organic product that renders rats infertile.

Donate today and bring innovative solutions that will change lives (animal and human) in this ecologically sensitive and spectacularly biodiverse part of our world.