There is UNITY in CommUNITY!

Alaina Gonzalez-White

Meet the Director of Operations, Alaina Gonzalez-White

In case we haven’t met, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Alaina Gonzalez-White and I am the Director of Operations at WISDOM Good Works. Over the past year with our field work on the east coast, I have had a front-row view of engaged citizens, joining in a shared vision to make a safer, healthier shared planet, for all.

Through our work of trialing innovative, nontoxic rodent control, Good Bites™, in an urban setting, I’ve witnessed how a united community can create a powerful impact that extends far beyond their neighborhood. I’m excited to share my passion for community engagement and the positive impact we can achieve together.

WISDOM Good Works protects animals, people and the planet with innovative species control and wildlife management. Through pioneering research and community education, we drive sustainable change and inspire a better world. To make these plans a reality, we need the support of dedicated partners like you.

Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to our cause.

As we wrap up our 75th birthday celebration of our founder, Dr. Loretta Mayer, I’m asking you to join the community we are building. With our generous matching gift donor, any fully tax-deductible amount you give: $75, $7.50 or $7,500 will be matched dollar for dollar, doubling your contribution and will help us cross the finish line of our goal. Your past generosity has played a crucial role in our success and I would be grateful for your continued support as we continue to work on bringing safe, sustainable rodent control to more communities, improving the outcomes for all.

If you’d like to discuss how you can be involved or need more information, please feel free to reach out. I look forward to working together to make a meaningful difference.

Thank you for your ongoing commitment to our cause. And a very happy birthday to Dr. Loretta!

And a very happy birthday to Dr. Loretta!

Check out the latest news coverage of WISDOM Good Works in The Boston Globe and the Jamaica Plain Gazette


Sharing Scientific Expertise
to Restore Ecological Balance Around the World

WISDOM Good Works is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization, conducting research, educating the public, and launching pilot programs with minimal staff.

Support our global efforts with a 100% tax deductible donation to bring rodent population management into the 21st century.

Your generosity can help change the narrative on how we address animal overpopulation without resorting to dangerous poisons – and their unintended consequences for our children, our pets, wildlife, and the environment.

Help us change lives of both animals and humans around the world!