Join the Movement to Save Our Ecosystems!
We must build a healthier planet for future generations to come.
WISDOM Good Works is leading the way and we need environmental leaders like you to help us spread the word – your voice, your passion, and your support.
Please enter your name and email and we’ll share with you a better way to a poison-free world that you can share with others.
Around the world, there are environments, including the ecologically sensitive homes of endangered species, that have been contaminated by poison, all in the name of rodent control.
The status quo to address infestations of mice or rats has been to poison the animals, a short-term and toxic solution with vast unintended consequences. Poisoned rodents lead to poisoned birds, poisoned pets, poisoned groundwater, and unbalanced ecosystems.
Even though we know the dangers of using this toxic method, it has remained the go-to solution simply because of convenience.
We know there’s a better way.