Jamaica Plain Update

Good news is coming out of Boston!

We have reached a critical phase in our project in Hyde Square, a residential enclave within the Jamaica Plain neighborhood of Boston that is hosting one of our pilot programs for our fertility-control technology.

With the help of 30 families in the neighborhood, we are starting to see positive results that our technology, which we are calling GoodBites, is reducing the number of rats in the neighborhood without the use of poison or traps.

To see our pilot program in action, check out this terrific video we made this fall (when the weather was a lot warmer!)

Alaina Gonzalez-White, WISDOM Good Works’ consultant on the East Coast (and the star of our video), says that several important benchmarks were reached in the past few months:

  • Data from our feeders show that peak consumption of GoodBites was reached during September.
  • Consumption has declined as the population of rats has been reduced through this fertility-control technology.
  • Fewer rat sighting are being reported by residents.

In fact, based on previous studies in other areas, we are calculating that the population of rats in the neighborhood has steadily declined, from just over 300 in early September to about 160 in late October.

Numerous entities have expressed interest in the results from Hyde Square and the potential of this technology to revolutionize how we as a society deal with animal overpopulation. We recently hosted a site visit with representatives from the City of Boston and the Boston City Council who were interested in seeing our science in action.

Our Jamaica Plain residents have been amazing to work with during this pilot program, and we are incredibly grateful for their support. Thank you Jamaica Plain!